Saturday, 5 April 2008

About love, briefly

Morning, not a particularly early one.

Grumpy Foreigner has spread her considerable bulk all over the bed, leaving a quaint wee corner for The Ultimate Other Half to balance on. She is in very whingy mood.

"Sir Sprout has been whacking me the whole morning," she complains.

"And kicking," adds The Ultimate Other Half helpfully.

"Exactly. I think he doesn't like me," states Foreigner gloomily.

The Ultimate Other Half can see things going downhill rapidly and dives in for a save:
"No, that's because he LOVES you!"

"So THAT'S how you're supposed to express your love nowadays," snorts Foreigner. Then she pauses to think and bursts into a wail:
"YOU don't love me!!!"


Anonymous said...

You silly moo - they both love you but stupidly they have different ways of showing it. Whoever designed that should be shot, to be fair.

Martin said...

I've no idea why, but I pictured Lucille Ball while reading this...especially the wail...

very funny

Anonymous said...

My own, darling #2 son used to throw toy cars at me. Obviously I took it as a sigh of affection. He's stopped now though.

Anonymous said...

I meant sign, not sigh obviously.

Foreigner by Default said...

bsouth - I know, but you gotta admit he walked right into it!

XBox - can you believe I had to look up Lucille Ball!!

English Mum - well, Sir Sprout better stop that behavior at some stage as well. At least by the time he starts high school!

Martin said...

No way!
you had to google Lucille Ball?

I'm guessing we are not too far apart in age, and she was always on repeat in the 80's anyway.

I'm youtubing her now, a funny funny woman.

Martin said...

and I've been chuckling away at this...

starts off slow but its becomes hilarious

Foreigner by Default said...

XBox - I grew up behind The Iron Curtain, you see. :) I wouldn't have a clue about most TV-shows, movies, music etc. which would be part of every westerners background.
HUGE cultural gap there. :)

Martin said...

Yes of course, duh, sorry....

although Ireland in the 1980's wasn't much different I'd wager...

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