Tuesday 18 September 2007

How to annoy fellow drivers - tips for L plate holders

1) Insist on waiting until the road is COMPLETELY clear before making a turn. By that I mean no cars in sight at all. Works especially well on busy junctions at rush hour.

2) Following tip only works if you have any other cars behind you. It goes like that: drive with normal sensible speed. Wait until you reach continuous white line "no overtaking" zone. Slow down drastically. Speed up as soon as continuous white line stops. Repeat. Soaring blood pressures behind you guaranteed.

3) Keep gently touching the break while casually driving along. Your blinking break lights will get drivers behind you mighty nervous.

4) Drive twice around every single roundabout before taking desired exit. Puzzling about your actions will keep other drivers alert and interested. To make things a bit more exciting you could also do it in outside lane.

Any additional ideas welcome.
Oh, and just for your information: you don't need to be L plate holder to annoy the crap out of the rest of humanity.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Try and perform a parallel park on a busy but narrow main street in as many turns as possible even though the space is fucking huge! Rrrrraaage.

Foreigner by Default said...

k8 - I didn't even think of that one!
Probably cause I'm flippin' crap at parallel parking meself.
Well, maybe not THAT desperate.

Just thought of another one - to make drivers behind you as dizzy and confused as possible keep swerving slightly right and left within one lane. That'll also make it mighty complicated for them to maintain any concentration and with any luck you'll cause a chain reaction.

RevJim said...

The L plate gives drivers an excuse to do these things, but there are so many other drivers, in every Nation, in every part of the world, who do work hard to annoy drivers and pedestrians on a regular basis

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