Tuesday 27 November 2007

There goes the diet

So I was talking to my mother.
On the phone, naturally, her being On Home Ground.

"Do you have anything specific you want for Christmas? I'm putting the parcel together here," she says.

"Nah, I'm fine, don't need anything. Don't go overboard now, it's expensive to send packages!"

Annoyed silence.

"Well, I'm gonna at least send you some Estonian chocolate! I know you love it!" she declares with victorious air.

"Mom, I told you I'm on diet. DON'T send me chocolates! I have a will power of a tatty dish rag, you know that as well!"

"Nonsense! A bit of chocolate won't do you any harm. Gotta treat yourself once in a while, otherwise you'll go nuts." Thoughtful pause. "Well, even more nuts."

"Thank you!!! Well, at least keep it sensible. Just a little of chocolate AND DON'T GET THE BOX TOO HEAVY! You'll be paying for the postage through your nose!"

"Yeah-yeah ...we'll see."

That was the end of it until The Ultimate Other Half went home at lunch time yesterday and found a notification of the package in the post box.

He drove unsuspectingly to the post office only to be presented with a HUGE wooden box (made lovingly by my father) weighing 20 kg (44 pounds) and secured with around 500 screws.

I still don't know how he managed to lug it to the car. Trip back home involved open bonnet and anticipation of getting the box from the car into the house.

In the evening my long-suffering husband combined watching The Panel and Podge & Rodge with laboriously unscrewing 250 of 500 screws. To get the box open, like.

The contents included:

  • 1 solid wood rocking sheep covered with natural lambswool (For Sir Sprout, I presume)
  • pile of Christmas-related soft toys/decorations
  • 2 sets of cookie cutters
  • 8 boxes of liquor-filled chocolates (125 g each)
  • 2 boxes of nut-coated chocolates (200 g each)
  • 6 tablets of nutty chocolate (100 g each)
  • 6 maxi tablets of premium chocolate (300 g each)
That would be 3.8 kg of chocolate (8.4 pounds). Which in my mothers books obviously qualifies as "a little".

I was drooling sadly as I locked the whole pile of it into the room where furniture goes to die. A lot of our friends will receive a presents of Estonian chocolates this year.

We are considering painting the box and declaring it a two-seater bench.

But I love the rocking sheep!


Rosie said...

am now considering posting my own mother to estonia in a wooden crate, so that she can settle there and send me occasional care packages...

Foreigner by Default said...

oh, never mind sending your mother - if it's chocolates you're after we have more than ample supply here in wilderness of Co Clare.

Just pop in and I'll stuff you up to your neck with sweet stuff. Especially since I can't bloody eat it if I want to look somewhat less like a snowman. :'(

Anonymous said...

Opening your presents before Christmas?!?! For shame :)

I've seen those rocking sheep before, they're gorgeous... so cuddly! You're a lucky duck!

Foreigner by Default said...

K8 - Yep, I can just about picture The Ultimate Other Half spending the best part of Christmas morning unscrewing 250 screws on bulky wooden box in the middle of the sitting room.

Nothing says "Christmas spirit" quite as well as blistered fingers and faint feeling of hopelessness and despair! :D

red said...

My mother used to be like that when I first moved away but she's kind of forgotten about me now- well, that and the fact that the Italian postal system lost a few of her parcels. But man I love that rocking sheep.

Unknown said...

Wow that sheep is, well, rockin! Your mother and my chocolate-sending Disreputable father would sure make a great team. I've got down to 6 boxes now (and I gave two away!!!) xx

Foreigner by Default said...

Red - You just have to convince your mom to send your goods in huge wooden box - even Italian postal system would have trouble loosing THAT!

English Mum - I'm almost scared to think of my mother/your father teamwork! :D

Martin said...

now THAT is class... basically she sent you a coffin full of chocolate.


Foreigner by Default said...

Xbox - Coffin is very well put.
3.8 kilos of morbid chocolate..


Is it just me? said...

God Foreigner! Mums never learn do they...was it awful to open the crate and find all of that high grrade chocolate?...

On an unrelated topic...would Foriegners Mum and Dad ever consider adopting an entire family..just wondering..

Oh and the sheep Is cool!..Sprout heaven!!

Susan at Stony River said...

I love your parents!

We used to get HUGE parcels from my family when we were first married...now everyone's forgotten me.

I want such a sheep! I'd love the chocolate too, but not the figure that comes with it.

Happy Christmas in Clare!

Thriftcriminal said...

Ha! I know this is an old post, but damn funny. Just because you told her not to then eh?

Foreigner by Default said...

Thriftcriminal - She's a MOTHER! Of course she would exact opposite of what I am asking her to do. That's her job.

At least that's how she sees it.

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