Friday 28 March 2008

Neglect and ruin

I have been shamefully neglecting this blog (and rest of the blog-world).

Well, I have been busy doing following things:

1) Sleeping. I can proudly say I can do it now at any time of the day or night and pretty much in every thinkable place or position except maybe standing up - but I'm working on it. On the couch. In the armchair. In the toilet. In the car. Wherever. Yawn.

2) Being queasy. I've really excelled at that. The trick is never (or almost never) to really get sick. Just deeply, naggingly, annoyingly, blindingly nauseous. All the time. Except when you sleep or when you're

3) Eating. Yeah. Food. Mmmmm.
Well, certain foods. Research has shown that carrots, for example, can make you sick. Or smoked mackerel. Or any meat - for a while. And then parsnips. Then skimmed milk.
Fruit has proved to be a trusty staple. A lot of it. Scary amounts, in fact.

4) Sitting at my desk at work all queasy while trying to not fall asleep. That's one of my favorites. You should really try it. Lovely exercise for wilting willpower.

5) Visiting medical institutions. In all the fairness I haven't been doing THAT much of it but I still consider it worth a mention. Euggghh. The day will come and I'll write up a very helpful guide of finding veins on Foreigners chubby arms, with map and all. Including the amount of needles and tut-tutting needed for the job.

6) Driving the Ultimate Other Half mental. However crap one feels, one has got to do her duty.

7) Making feeble stabs at toddler taming. I won't even enter the score here as it might draw some very unwelcome interest from social services. But let me assure you that Sir Sprout is winning hands down.

I'm sure there has been something else as well but I haven't exactly kept a diary so there.

Good news is I seem to start perking up a bit lately.

I've had fairly aware-of-surroundings morning. No nausea. Yesterday I saw a carrot in the fridge and didn't burst into tears, neither did I attempt to vacate my inner regions from consumed nutrient carriers orally.

OK, I did kinda snooze off after 9 but even the strongest among us can be severely traumatized by weekly groceries hunt performed on Thursday night. That's just life. Deeply unfair but merciless.

I still wouldn't go and volunteer to actually EAT the aforementioned carrot though.

Tummy Bug seems to be thriving, thanks for asking!


Rosie said...

sounds like you've a good excuse, at least.

hearty congratulations and welcome back, a chroĆ­.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're back :)

I feel you on the potty traing front... I think we're out of the woods but I never imagined the extend of the messiness involved!

This sounds awfully cheeky, but do I recognise some of those symptoms? Might you be brewing up a secondary sprout? ;)

Rosie said...

AKA the "Tummy Bug", i presume. awful cute pseudonym.

Martin said...

Great to see you back in a bit of action. I miss your perspective amongst all these Americans and Aussies.

Congratulations on the tummy bug ;0)

Foreigner by Default said...

Well, I can't deny the waistline has shown some alarming signs of accumulating extra bulge.

Not that it was particularly svelte in first place. :D

Martin said...

You're doing a 'Bertie' on us with no confirmation nor denial!

Seriously, congratulations, and if you don't fancy the look of it, give us a shout eh?

Foreigner by Default said...

Thanks for good wishes!

A bit apprehensive still, had quite a rocky start and scan is next week.

XBox - I have all the trust into your own wee swimmers to do the job. They're just "didnae we keep ya on yar toes - naa-naah" type.

Martin said...

you think my swimmers are Scottish?


Feet up woman, take it easy and all will come good.

Foreigner by Default said...

XBox - :p Why couldn't they be Scottish, certainly on mean side, aren't they!

Martin said...

you simply should not be allowed to be so quick with the retorts in a second language. damn you woman.

(I doth my cap)

Unknown said...

Glad K8 said it first!!! Early, tentative congrats in order then??? x

Foreigner by Default said...

Thanks, English Mum!

Some crossed fingers wouldn't hurt...

Tummy Bug's been cookin' for 14 weeks, just need to find out now if it's well done.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Foreigner!

Have missed you - looks like you had good reasons for your absence. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for the Tummy Bug. :)

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