Tuesday 21 August 2007

Should I get worried?

I mean - VERY worried!

Dads push bulletproof backpacks in schools

Sir Sprout hits one on 7th of September. At some stage he will have to let go from Foreigners (he prefers to call me Mommy) apron strings. Start junior infants. Proceed to academical heights of senior infants, intellect permitting (so far stubbornly squeezing the cubes through round opening, serves Mommy right for buying a SOFT shape sorter... safety me arse).

Maybe, presuming he will have learnt to make a difference between a pyramid and a cube by his teens, he will have to attend high school.

And what THEN??

I mean - of course there wouldn't be a question about spending 175$ for a school backback if necessary. And I never planned to raise Sir Sprout in cotton wool - he'd just get terribly hot, especially in summer. It's just that once we're taking the "safety first" approach the backpack alone is just not cutting it for me. What's the use of backpack that "stands up to bullets as well as machete, hatchet and Ka-bar knife attacks" if there are a whole lot of essential body parts utterly exposed to all kinds of harm. Like whole front, neck, head...

No, that will NOT do!

Perhaps THIS would be an answer to responsible parents prayers?

At least it looks undeniably cool and is bound to grant your offspring some major respect amongst his peers. Come on, who won't be wanting to hang out with a kid who looks like a Transformer!?

Guess I better start saving now. Kids grow out of clothes so fast I'll need at least 4 different sizes.

And how do you launder one, kinda looks like it might not do well in the washing machine.

Mind boggles...


Unknown said...

My kids LOVE this outfit. They've been glued to it for several minutes and want to know whether Sir Sprout is really going to get one, and if so where from so they can get one too: 'cooooool!!!!'

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